
What types of equestrian disciplines are there?

What is the difference between English riding and Western riding?

Probably the biggest difference between English and Western riding is the way the aids are given. While the aim of English riding is to maintain a constant contact, Western riding is based on impulse riding on a loose rein. This means that the horse maintains the command until a new command is given in the form of an impulse.
This striking difference has its origins in the development of the two riding styles. English-ridden horses were trained for use in the military, for example by jumping over natural obstacles. Western riding, on the other hand, goes back to working on cattle ranches.
This is why the training scale for Western riding differs from that of English riding. This is because Western horses are trained to yield in the poll instead of being in contact. Western horses have visibly less impulsion than other sport horses, which is why the point impulsion in the conventional training scale has been replaced by activation of the hindquarters.
You can read a direct comparison between the two riding disciplines in our guide to Western riding.

At Kramer Equestrian you will find a large selection of products for Western riding and you can buy all the equipment you need. With a Western saddle from STONEDEEK, the Western rider can comfortably spend several hours on horseback. The horn also offers the option of holding on to it in difficult terrain or risky manoeuvres or to attach the lasso to it. In addition to Western cinches, you can also buy breastplates and saddle bags for Western saddles in our online shop. And so that you know what is important when buying a saddle, we have compiled all the useful information in our Western saddle guide.

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