Therapy and Regeneration for horse, rider and dog

1. Therapy & Regeneration and their possibilities

For every physical condition there is a form of therapy that helps the body to regenerate.

In this guide you can read more about what therapy and regeneration are all about and which forms of therapy are available for horses, riders and dogs.

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Horse with the Walker Rug Ceramic Rehab by Felix Bühler
Therapy measures and items for horses

2. Therapy measures and items for horses

Due to its use, the horse as a riding animal often has to deal with one-sided stresses that can lead to permanent damage. For recovery, prevention or wellness, therapy items especially for horses can work wonders. However, they are no substitute for good riding and professional handling of the horse.

In this guide, you will learn how to support your horse’s health.

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3. Therapy measures and items for riders

For good riding, the rider must also be able to follow the horse’s movements in a relaxed manner. The rider must neither tense up nor cramp. In addition to compensatory sport, which prepares the rider for his sport, various therapeutic measures can support the rider in achieving a good riding posture.

This guide will tell you what these measures are and what aids are available for riders.

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Icelandic horse and rider
Playful Dog

4. Therapy measures and items for dogs

Like horses, dogs are also active animals, and injuries to the musculoskeletal system can often occur. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a dog in agility sports, a puppy that loves to play or an adventurous walker.

You can read here which diseases and ailments can occur in man’s best friend and which therapeutic measures can be used to remedy the situation.

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